Sunday, 16 May 2010

Bone Idle

These 3 images show a quick look on the Avarrs facial structures, simply from the skull to the full fleshed face.

As most birds, the skull is almost oval in shape and reaches out forwards into the birds bill (beak) the huge eye socket is mainly simular in normal bird structure too so there is nothing uneque or odd about it.
What differs here mainly is the bill size and structure. not all birds have the same bill so as a raven specie this bill should be large and bulky in structure.
Unlike other birds this to has the teeth indented into the beak so that its able to chew and tear into things

The second image shows the skull with a little bit more to it. Here it shows that the eye sits firmly in the middle of the eye socket, held im place by the muscular tissue around the avarrs eye. The rest of the skull would obviously be covered with simular muscular tissue folloed by the skin and the Avars feathers/fur.

The last image is a quick potrait image of the avarr all feathered/fured. they have LONG faces due to the size of their bill so their eyes appear smaller from the front. The feathers/fur also make the face and body appear thicker.

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