Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Getting around

Ok so this is a crappy lil thing I doodled when I was sat with Dave thinking what i could draw for vehicle ideas lol.

We kind of looked at the thought of using horses with medievel style of armour over them or make them slightly harf cyborg? Im not sure but i think horses are going to be one of Daves main sorces of transportation for his humaaaaannnsss but since im going to be the one whos strongly focusing upon the concept designs i'll most likely be looking at maybe gryphons and carrages, perhaps any other form of transportation thats likely to fit into this environment and style of land.

Ok so enough about that rambles and on to what this guy is XD
He is what i call a twilight Wyvern because of his colours. The gold thing around his neck is a gear by the way XD so ya its odd looking. Im sorry I will post up better designs when I draw them properly lol.

Anyhow he has odd lil anntenna thingies that glow blue, you propably cant make it out frmo how ive scribbled it down and coloured over it roughly, But its suppose to look like its glowing.
The silvery dots are just shinny bits of scales and its suppose to be in water.
Thats a breif look at him, I guess i'll go in more detail about these when i get to working on vehicles and transport properly but since then its just going to be more random birdy people :P

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